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Situation 3 Pet Business

Situation 3 Pet Business

Mary Wilson is a 31 year old wife, and mother who wants to start her own company. She has no previous business experience but has an ideal for marketing an animal-grooming service, with an approach similar to that used for pizza delivery. When a customer calls, Wilson will arrive in a van in less than 30 minutes and will provide grooming service. Many of her friends think the ideal has promise but dismiss her efforts to seriously discuss the venture. However, Wilson is not discouraged; she plans to purchase the van and the necessary grooming equipment.

Question 1. What target market or markets can you identify for Wilson? How could she forecast sales for her service in each market?

Question 2. What advantage does her business have over existing grooming business?

Question 3. What business name and promotional strategy would you suggest that Wilson use?

Chapter Situation writing assignments

Chapter Situation writing assignments

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10 pts






…………..Answer Preview………………

The target market for the pet business can be the people who are disabled and also the elderly. This is because they are not in a position to take their pets to the places of grooming. Other potential customers are those that do not like leaving their pets all day in the grooming salons and thus would just like to be delivered after they are groomed. This could be because some pets get nervous in a new environment where they may stay for long. There may be also a lot of congestion in the grooming salons and Wilson can…


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