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shark tank tv series

shark tank tv series

Topic: how is shark tank tv series in help people to change their life and give them ideas that give them postive effects in their life

Each the following in one paragraph:
2. How do viewers get postive effects .
3. How do entrepreneurs get a postive effect.
4. Sharks give a real advice, that can help viewers and Entrepreneurs.
5.not all of  entrepreneurs pass, and the fail can help veiwers and entrepreneurs to change their life and give them ideas.
6. The people that in the other hand, that they say reality tv show like shark tank is give viewers and entrepreneurs a negative effects and do not help them in their life and do not change their life
7. Conclusion

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Shark tank

            The shark tank TV series is a United States reality show being produced by Mark Burnet. On August 2009, the first show was aired on ABC TV. The theme of the show typically brings entrepreneurs to make business presentations to a panel of investors, who in this show is referred to as the Sharks. The sharks are multimillionaires and billionaires owning a range of businesses comprised of real estate, automobile, technology and fashion………………


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