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Sensation and perception have been in coalition from the beginning of time

Sensation and perception have been in coalition from the beginning of time

Student 1- Devin,

Sensation and perception have been in coalition from the beginning of time, although they are hugely different. Sensation from a psychological standpoint is an experience resulting from stimulation of a specific sensory nerve or organ, or sensory area in the brain. It is the feeling you get from touching, smelling or being around a loved one, all of which are mostly physical. For instance, kissing your longtime girlfriend as your wife for the first time the feeling is second to none. While perception is the process where we use our senses to become aware. However, it relies more on cognitive functions which we use to process things, it utilizes memory say like a friend’s face or their specific smell before you even see them.

Nutrition and physical development work hand and hand because to start physical development it starts with what you consume. But also, your environment plays a big part because a child in poverty is not going to get the same nutrition as a middle-class child. A Child in poverty is not getting a proper meal everyday one that sustains them which is decrementing the physical development. It starts with the nutrition which is started right after birth. It affects everything, even how well your immune system is operating.

Parenting style affects a child’s emotional development from day one. If you are constantly yelling or screaming at your child, they are more likely to always feel as if they must be on defense. Which is not a good thing to be so reactive because emotionally as that child gets older till be harder to even bond with partner because of it. On the other hand, a child that is given everything from birth will grow to be more entitled.

Furthermore, cognitive development can only happen through educational practices, because if nothing is learned what would one develop? To reach new heights education is required. For example, to get that PHD I want I must learn more and become more educated in the field. Therefore, it is a process just like everything else in life. The relationship between sensation and perception will always be here like Ying and yang. We see these variations because they start with your development from birth, that is why although we are all human, we all think, feel and act differently. Furthermore, the role of the brain is its ability to control our motor skills, cognition, emotions, and the sensations we get. It is the most complex system we have and is how we operate daily. Additionally biological processes it is say for instance why people can have the same genetics, but others be more prone to disease. On a social level all of us on earth are people but in various parts of the worlds they are different religions, beliefs, and what behavior they find appropriate. Lastly, psychologically, once again we are all people, but you have your introverts and extroverts. Overall, everything starts from birth, how you are fed, how you are taught, how often you go out and play, all of that.

Cherry. K (2023) What is Perception? Perception: The Sensory Experience of the World (verywellmind.com)

Pallardy. R (2022) Sensation. Sensation | Neurology, Psychology & Perception | Britannica https://www.britannica.com/topic/sensation

Student 2- Frank,

Roughly speaking, sensation would be literally what you see while perception is how you interpret or feel about what is seen. You cannot have one without the other. Sensation could be vision, hearing, chemical senses or body senses. Our senses don’t respond to all sensations though, as explained in the cocktail party phenomenon. We can be in a room full of people with music playing in the background and multiple conversations going on, but not sense and perceive all of it. It’s usually only sensed and perceived when it’s perhaps our name being called, or a song you enjoy. True consciousness is required to receive all simulation around us at one time.

The first thing that comes to mind when differentiating sensation and perception is the famous “blue dress” debate on social media. Some people saw it as black and blue while others saw it as gold and white. I think this directly correlates with the visual system. Since both the eye and the brain are involved in what we see, it’s is understandable that people can see two different colors. There are two theories on why people saw different colors. One being what type of light the person was recently exposed to. Natural daylight tended to lean towards gold and white while artificial light leaned towards blue and black. Another theory is that the human eye can often confuse blue lighting and blue objects. A study showed when the image of the dress was inverted, more people saw the dress as white and gold.

In human development, studies have been done on the raising of children in different parts of the world. “Parental ethnotheories are cultural models that parents hold regarding children, families, and themselves as parents (Lancy p.67). They can be across a domain or in a hierarchy. One study researched infant development and parental ethnotherories across 5 cultures. All the mothers agreed that the most important part of raising a child was that they were well taken care of, meaning clean, dry, fed and safe. They all also agreed that the baby needed additional stimulation, but their choices for that stimulation differed. The American mom used Baby Einstein, the Korean mom used recorded stories, the Italian mother focused more on stimulation by social situation, the Spanish and Dutch mothers also focused more on social and physical environment.

While the children are all receiving stimulation, these small changes can affect their development. It could be said that those children who have mothers who prioritize more outside time in social environments have children with higher Vitamin D. They tend to spend more time with family and friends, and have an array of adults helping to raise them and influence their decisions. They are being exposed to different sensations than just the American baby watching a TV show Baby Einstein, so they will have different perceptions of the world around them.

I know personally, our child that was born during COVID didn’t socialize as much as our older child and we can see a difference. I think being exposed to more social situations greatly impacts the child and how they perceive the world. Both of our children were raised the same, but because of the environment during their infant years they have different variations in thoughts and actions. Our youngest’s brain probably has more “stranger danger” because she was out of daycare due to COVID restrictions. It really is interesting to see all the kids her age and how different they have turned out now than other kids who are just a little bit older than them based on being born and raised during COVID years.

Lancy, D. F., Bock, J., & Gaskins, S. (Eds.). (2010). The anthropology of learning in childhood. AltaMira Press.
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Sensation and perception have been in coalition from the beginning of time


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