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Senior management cooperation

senior management cooperation

Protecting enterprise assets is the purpose of security policy architecture. How do you obtain senior management cooperation?

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.

2.) Identifying an appropriate Computer Security Incident Response Team. How would you select the team and which responsibilities would you assign to the team in priority order.

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.


After reading Black, Scarfone, and Souppaya (2008), choose one of the cybersecurity measurement problems discussed by the authors. Explain the problem in your own words and address how and why this problem could impact a cybersecurity focused evaluation of emerging technologies or emerging applications of technologies which are intended for use in a business environment.

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.


Black, P. E., Scarfone, K., & Souppaya, M. (2008). Cybersecurity metrics and measures. In J. G. Voller (Ed.) Handbook of science and technology for homeland security (vol. 5). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from http://hissa.nist.gov/~black/Papers/cyberSecurityMetrics2007proof.pdf


Read sections 1, 2, and 7 in Bartol, Bates, Goertzel, and Winograd (2009) before attempting to answer this question.

1. Explain in your own words the differences between metrics, measures, and measurements.

2. What types of measures will you need to collect during your proposed technology evaluation (the assignment that is due this week)?

3. How will you collect these measures? (What actions will be necessary to collect the required data?)

Post your analysis as 250+ word response to this message. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.


Bartol, N., Bates, B., Goertzel, K. M., & Winograd, T. (2009). Measuring cyber security and information assurance: A state-of-the-art report. Herndon, VA: IATAC. Retrieved from https://buildsecurityin.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/MeasuringCybersecurityIA.PDF


………………..Answer preview…………………………

Information technology projects usually fail when they don’t get full support from the senior management support. The role of the senior management support relates to corporate culture and is paramount to the success or failure of Information and technology projects. In order to obtain senior management support in IT projects, managers should inform the senior management support on the roles of driving IT projects. The senior managers should take the initial part of the project based on the goals of the project. IT projects that are initiated by senior management a higher chance to success than other projects (Dong, Neufeld & Higgins, 2009). The senior management support can be involved in an organization’s information technology project involving them in the approval process of the project………………………………………



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