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Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors  

Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors

Select a goal: something that you would like to change about yourself. Perhaps you would like to stop smoking, or to control drinking, improve study habits, manage time better or change eating or exercise habits. It is critical that your goal be measurable, attainable, positive, and significant to you.

Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors do you want to increase or decrease?

Choose a means of monitoring your progress, such as a chart or a behavioral diary.

Write a contract that states all of the above points and specifies both internal and external consequences for actions in a realistic time frame, such as short-term rewards for adhering to the contract and a long-term reward for meeting the goals.

1.5 pages, APA formatting. do all sections of the work thoroughly and use appropriate headers.

Use at least two references. The references need to be authentic websites only from the state of California.

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This term I am more than determined to improve in my studies, and improve my aggregate grades all together. I have realized that in the last one academic year I neglected my studies and channelled all my energy and time on other co-curricular activities and my part time job at the coffee shop……………………

615 words

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