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How do you plan to integrate these new skills into your future school and work experiences

How do you plan to integrate these new skills into your future school and work experiences

Your new software skills will not be of much use if you do not see a practical application for the skills in your workplace and personal life. Without practice, remembering how to use the tools will be difficult. In this assignment, you will discuss different ways to use presentation software outside of the class.

Consider the use of presentations in your job and personal life. Respond to the following:

Share two or three of the most valuable pieces of information or skills you have learned from this class. How would you use the different types of software we discussed? Are some tools better for some uses than others? Be specific and give an example or two.

How do you plan to integrate these new skills into your future school and work experiences?

Give an example of a situation where a presentation would help you communicate information to others.

When creating a presentation, are there any legal, ethical, or security implications for what you include?

Based on your module readings, explain how you could use visual tools (video, pictures, graphs, charts, etc.) to help to convey information in a presentation. How might your tone and method of presentation differ if you were communicating with a friend or family member as opposed to a co-worker or supervisor?

Your initial response should be at least 150 words. Each of your follow-up responses should be at least 50 words.

Use properly documented sources outside of this course to justify, support and expand on your response. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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How do you plan to integrate these new skills into your future school and work experiences

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