Home » Downloads » Second Wave Feminism revolves around the idea that “the personal is political.” Find an artist who isn’t addressed

Second Wave Feminism revolves around the idea that “the personal is political.” Find an artist who isn’t addressed

Second Wave Feminism revolves around the idea that “the personal is political.” Find an artist who isn’t addressed

Second Wave Feminism revolves around the idea that “the personal is political.” Find an artist who isn’t addressed/required from this era to feature. Create a post that features one (1) piece that you think supports the Second Wave Feminist idea. Must be at least 300 words.
Mary Beale was taken by another classmate so choose another female artist
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Judy Chicago was a feminist’s artist born in 1939. She created The Dinner Party art in 1975 during the second wave feminist which encompassed addressing the equal treatment of women in society, employment and domestic issues like clothing. At the time, ‘the personal is political’ idea was used in feminist work to show that women situations were so grim that they required political action like protests (Napikoski 2017)………………………………………
403 words
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