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RWS 200 Writing in our Current Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

RWS 200 Writing in our Current Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

RWS 200 Writing in our Current Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

1.) A Reflection on Social Change and the Pandemic (Article) (2 pages)

Write in response to these questions. Think about at least 5 of the questions.

What weaknesses — and what strengths — is coronavirus exposing in our society?

What lessons can we learn from this crisis? How should we apply those lessons?

What role should leaders, in government and elsewhere, play during a crisis like this one?

What ethical issues does this pandemic raise — for each of us personally, for our immediate communities and for us all as global citizens? What does it mean to be a “good citizen” in the context of this outbreak?

What historical parallels, like to the 1918 flu pandemic and to the plague, can we find, and what can — and can’t — we learn from them?

What are the causes and effects of this pandemic? What future effects can you predict, whether they happen in days, weeks, months or years? Why?

How will this crisis change us?

How can you best help yourself, your friends and family, or any other communities you are a part of that are affected by the pandemic

2.) Write a letter to someone discussing your thoughts, feelings, and every day life in connection the pandemic. (2 pages) AND contribute to creating an oral history of the pandemic.

Evaluation Criteria

Pay close attention to

Exact Language

Syn phrasing

Examples and Details

Understanding and Use of Context

Task Completion



Connection to Self

Connection to Class Concepts and Texts

Attention to each Writing Situation

Answer preview to RWS 200 Writing in our Current Context of the Coronavirus PandemicRWS 200 Writing in our Current Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic


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