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Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document in the Learning Resources

Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document in the Learning Resources

Assignment Details: To prepare:

Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document in the Learning Resources.
Review the information in the Learning Resources on creating effective PowerPoint presentations.
Consider the distinctions between delivering a presentation in person (e.g., at a professional conference or at your practicum site,) and presenting online. What do you need to consider as you prepare to share your presentation with your colleagues in this online forum? What steps do you need to take to ensure the information is conveyed clearly and effectively?
Using PowerPoint, complete a draft of your Practicum Project presentation. Note that this draft of your PowerPoint presentation should be complete and polished. While you will have an opportunity to make revisions based on your colleagues’ feedback, the document you share should reflect your best effort to create a thoughtful, clear, and engaging presentation.
The title slide should include your name, presentation title, and the submission date.
Presentation objectives should follow the title slide.
Slide design aesthetics should be selected to complement the presentation.
A minimum of 12 slides and not more than 15 slides—not including the title slide, objectives slide, and references slide—should be presented.

Please use sources in the provided uploaded document. There can definitely be more than 5. It is the basis for the project.

Also additional information for the project: Another piece to help with staffing is that at the last stroke committee meeting it was determined that J&S unit will be the primary unit to receive stroke downgrade patients from PCU and CCU to reduce the utilization of critical care beds once the patients are stabilized. Nurses are undergoing education and training now to be able to support this type of patients and receive DNV certification. A benefit to the unit is minimizing floating and securing 1:4 nurse to patient ratios.

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Review the Practicum Project Presentation Overview document in the Learning Resources


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