Review of gadgets
At least three of the following user manuals, available in the Arri
Resource Center:
Canon EOS 60 or 70D
Sound Devices 302 Mixer
Sound Devices 744T Mixer
Bolex 16mm Camera
Sennheiser ew 100 Wireless Microphone Kits
H4N Zoom Recorder
In each third of the semester, you are to read one of the manuals
listed above. After completion, in a two-to-three page summary,
you are to describe the basic operation of each piece of equipment
covered in that particular manual and identify two or three main
problems that a user might encounter while operating that
equipment. In order to receive a grade of CR (Credit) for the
course, you must deliver each paper to the CTVA office
(MZ 195) and ask for it to be placed in Professor Stahl’s box, by
or before the due dates indicated below. Failure to do so will
result in a grade of NC (No Credit).
To be clear – each paper will be based on a different user manual,
and your final grade will be predicated upon the timely submission
of the papers as well as the completion of all required hours.
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Sound Devices 302 Mixer
The Sound Devices 302 Mixer was developed for the applications of audio-for-picture. This device is the ideal tool for camera operators and production companies who want to control their own audio. This mixer is extremely stunning for its size. It is very flexible, easy to control and highly effective when it comes to performance. This device is the most cost-effective and compact audio professional mixer powered by a battery. At the same…………..
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