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Pricing is one of the two strategic levers used to optimize revenue and is, arguably, the most critical component of Revenue Management

Pricing is one of the two strategic levers used to optimize revenue and is, arguably, the most critical component of Revenue MANAGEMENT

Pricing is one of the two strategic levers used to optimize revenue and is, arguably, the most critical component of Revenue Management.
In this assessment, you will prepare a report as if you were the Revenue Manager for the Hilton Sydney Hotel.
You are to present a report to your hotel’s General Manager that recommends a Revenue Management strategy for the financial year July 2017 June 2018. Aspects that require critical consideration are:
An analysis of market segmentation
An analysis of the competitor set
An analysis of the external environment
Demand Forecasting
Channel Analysis

The General Manager has already indicated his concern about the transparent nature of pricing and has requested that your strategy specifically addresses this.
Although this report is based on a real hotel and across a future period, it requires a strong theoretical framework with reference to the literature. It must also account for recent changes and predictable events in the area of revenue management. Current market analysis reports should be used as part of the overall strategy. You can use tables, charts, graphs to support your pricing strategy.
Submission guidelines
The Executive Report should include, in this order

Plagiarism declaration
Title page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Body of work (This can be titled differently and include sub-headings)

Typed in format specified (refer to CALS) and submitted in electronic form as a word-processed file to www.turnitin.com on due date.
Please note that plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Please refer to CALS for a better understanding on how plagiarism is detected and prevented.
Professional layout and presentation, concise, informative and correctly referenced. Graphs and colour can assist in summarising key points in your report.
You must refer, in text, to a minimum of 20 journal articles, plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment.




………Answer preview…………

The revenue management provides the hotel with the capacity of attaining the highest revenue and profits in the course of its business operations (Kimes & Anderson, 2011). However, the process of optimizing revenue and demand gets complicated based on the fact that the hotel gets better at collecting and analyzing data on customer’s decision…………


3510 words

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