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Resonate & Slideology

Resonate & Slideology

This week, you will continue reading Resonate and slide:ology.The chapters you will read this week are focused on the structure of content within your presentations. You will learn how to make the content something the audience will always remember.

This week, you will read the following chapters from Resonate (http://bit.ly/1GxTCHa)

Click Here Resonate: http://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/communications/9780470632017/why-resonate/1?percentage=&reader;=#X2ludGVybmFsX0J2ZGVwRmxhc2hSZWFkZXI/eG1saWQ9OTc4MDQ3MDYzMjAxNy8x

Chapter 5: Create Meaningful Content
Chapter 6: Structure Reveals Insights
You will also read the following chapters from slide:ology (http://bit.ly/1G xTCHa):

Click Here slide:ology : http://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/office-and-productivity-applications/9780596522346/firstchapter

Chapter 11: Interacting with Slides
Chapter 6: Arranging Elements
Chapter 7: Using Visual Elements: Background, color, and text
Chapter 8: Using Visual Images

When you have finished, discuss the best visual elements and/or content you have experienced in someone else’s presentation. What was it that made them so powerful? Did they use any of the techniques discussed so far in this course. Share your thoughts below.
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Visual elements are critical aspects of an image. The issues mainly focus on the aesthetics of a site, and it relates materials by systematically and strategically executing colors, fonts, alongside other elements. It doesn’t deprive off the content on the page or function, but it enhances it by engaging users hence helping build trust on the brand. (The power of visual presentation: Tony Horton, portfolio, 2001)

 There are so many basic elements of visual design. The line, for example, connects two points, therefore, can be used to make shapes, create textures and make divisions. Shapes are self-contained areas. A graphic designer uses colors, lines, different values, and texture to define the area. The color palette is another…

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