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Researching Social Media tool

Researching Social Media tool

We are all socially connected. Some of us like to be so more than others. Technology allows us to do this in a variety of ways.

In this assignment, you will learn to use a new technology that helps you become socially connected. This technology can take the form of instant messaging or an online network that gives you the opportunity to connect with businesses and organizations to develop your career.

Research online social networking tools and applications using your textbook, the Internet, and the Argosy University online library resources. Based on your research, do the following:

Choose a tool for social networking that allows you to create a free account. The social networking tool should meet the following criteria:
It is not a tool you have used before.
It connects you with other people.
It is open to the public.
It does not promote offensive language or actions.
It allows you to answer the questions for this assignment.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

Yahoo! Instant Messaging: This tool allows you to instantly type messages to other friends or colleagues who are on Yahoo!’s Instant Messaging. It also has a number of other features, including video messaging. http://www.yahoo.com
Skype: Skype’s free services allow you to call other people on Skype and video-conference with them over the Internet. You can also use Skype to call international cell phones or landlines at a highly reduced rate or to instant message. http://www.skype.com
Google Talk: This instant messenger is very similar to Yahoo!’s service. http://www.google.com/talk/
Facebook: This social networking tool allows you to network with friends, family, and acquaintances. You can send them updates and let them know what is going on in your world. It has an instant messaging service also. http://www.facebook.com
Twitter: This tool allows you to follow a variety of people and track the little things they say. You can also send messages to others who might follow you on Twitter. http://twitter.com
LinkedIn: This tool is designed to help you connect with professionals in your industry. You can update your profile so others in your industry can know how you are progressing in skills and knowledge. http://www.linkedin.com
Instagram: This tool helps you modify (“filter”) and share photographs, usually taken with a mobile device. http://instagram.com/
Foursquare: According to its home page, this tool is supposed to help you and your friends find great places and make the most of your visits. https://foursquare.com/
Research your chosen social media tool. Then, using scholarly evidence, answer the following questions:
How can this social media tool be used in the workplace in a professional manner? Again, use search engines that will help you to answer this appropriately.
How does this social media tool help you connect with friends or colleagues? Describe this with as much detail as possible. Look this up on the Internet if you need to, as you may not realize all of the ways it may be beneficial.
What is a potential drawback of this kind of media?
Describe the experience of engaging this exercise.
Paste a screenshot of the social media account you just created in your assignment paper. Follow these steps:
Log into the social media website where you created an account.
From the logged-in page, press the Alt key on your keyboard and then press the Print Screen key on your keyboard.
Display your assignment paper document. Click the mouse button in the area where you want to paste the screenshot. Hold down the Ctrl key and then press the V key. This will paste an image of your social media screen into your paper.
Change the size of your screen print to be approximately 3 by 4 inches.
Click inside the graphic; this will put sizing squares around your graphic.
Move the cursor to a corner of your graphic until your cursor changes to a diagonal arrow.
Click and drag the cursor towards the center of the graphic so that the graphic gets smaller.
When the screenshot is approximately 3 by 4 inches, let go of the mouse.

Write a two- to three-page paper in Word format (not counting title and reference page). Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Include an APA formatted title page and reference page. Here is a sample paper in APA style you can use as a guideline. Follow this link for more information about APA standards. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Set up an appropriate social media tool account and gave evidence by placing an appropriate screenshot inside the essay.
Evaluated the personal and professional advantages and drawbacks of using this social communication tool.
Analyzed the experience of this project showing engagement with the assignment tasks.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

…………….Answer Preview…………….
Skype, which is part of Microsoft, is a new form of technology that enables individuals to make video and audio calls, exchange instant messages and share low-cost local and international calls. Skype is an effective social media tool, which can be used in the workplace in a professional manner. The social media tool can be used for video conferencing, making work related audio and video calls and making business related local; and international calls. It is essential to indicate that the media tool allows an organization………………
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