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Research your local jail (county or municipal)

Research your local jail (county or municipal)

Assignment Details: Research your local jail (county or municipal) and answer the following questions (15 points).

The city is Oxford, Mississippi. Located in lafayette county

Where is the jail located?

Who is the jail administrator/sheriff?

Does the jail have an overcrowding problem? (Uncover the capacity of the jail versus the number of inmates.)

Imagine you are the sheriff of a large urban county jail, with a capacity of more than 1,000 beds, and your jail is overcrowded. 

Since you are an elected official and would like to be reelected, you don’t want to appear “soft on crime,” yet you know you can’t build your way out of the crowding problem. There’s simply not enough money to expand the jail or build a new one. How do you argue in favor of reducing jail crowding?

Paper Format: APA

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Research your local jail (county or municipal)


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