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After a researcher has completed a research study, they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings

After a researcher has completed a research study, they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings

Read and watch the following resources from the University Library to prepare for this discussion:

  • “Peer Reviewed Publication”
  • “What is a Peer-Reviewed Journal?”
  • “How Do I Locate a Peer-Reviewed Journal?”

After a researcher has completed a research study, they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings. Before a report is widely available to the public, a scholarly evaluation of the research is conducted through a peer-review process.

Reflect on the peer-review process and why it is highly valued in the scientific community as you discuss the following with the class: 

  • What is the peer-review process and what is its significance in the publishing phase of a research study?
  • Why should the public care if a research study has been peer reviewed?
  • Why is it important for students like you to reference peer-reviewed journals when completing assignments in an academic program?
  • This week you learned about various types of statistical tests. What are the benefits of having peer reviewers evaluate the results of statistical tests in a research study?
  • How might referencing peer-reviewed journals help you in your criminal justice career?

Cite at least 1 scholarly source according t

Answer preview to After a researcher has completed a research study, they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings

After a researcher has completed a research study they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings


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