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The world’s religions

The world’s religions

Religion topic essay

Topic: What is the relationship between the world’s religions? Are they all equally true? Are they all false? Do they all have some truths in them, but not others? Is one religion more true to you than the others are? If so, why.

Grading Guidelines:

Write in first person ( use “I” and “me”)

You can lose points for spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Not many, but some. Make sure to proof read and spell check your paper.

The Paper must be typed and double spaced. Please no extra spaces between paragraph.

Keep to times new roman 12pt font and 1 inch margins for your paper. I will doc some points if this is not adhered to.

Your paper MUST be 4 FULL pages, 4-6 pages is acceptable, don’t go beyond page 7.

Be sure that your name is on the paper, and that all pages are numbered.

Finally, be sure that your paper is structured in the essay format: this means you MUST have a clear intro, body, and conclusion.


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The world’s religions


1443 words

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