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Reflective Letter Assignment

 Reflective Letter Assignment

Write a reflective letter which discusses your progress as a writer this semester. Use specific examples from your work to illustrate how well you have achieved the outcomes of this course. As you know, the outcomes for WRI 101 are to

  • Develop the ability to paraphrase and summarize academic texts
  • Compose analytic essays utilizing a range of rhetorical modes such as compare/contrast and cause/effect
  • Produce an introductory argumentative essay that utilizes a variety of rhetorical strategies such as analysis, synthesis, and other rhetorical strategies
  • Develop a basic understanding of the needs of audience, purpose, and context for each writing, reading, and rhetorical task
  • Develop the basics of a clear, effective, and varied academic style

Length: minimum 2 pages in APA style

DUE: Monday, May 8, 2017 at 9:00 AM (to be submitted on iLearn only).


Late submissions will not be accepted and will be given a zero grade.



Reflective Letter Tips:

  1. Discuss some of the writing challenges you faced in academic writing this semester and what you have done to address them. Feel free to address issues of the writing process that you went through, from brainstorming and drafting to revision. Was there anything you felt was particularly useful or helpful? Were there things you still feel need work?
  2. Write about your attitude towards writing and reading, how you see yourself as a writer, how you developed as a writer, and how you improved over the course of the semester.
  3. Which assignment was the most difficult and why? Support your response with specific examples from your assignment.
  4. Think about one of the assignments you are proud of. What was especially satisfying about either the process or the finished piece? Support your response with specific examples from your assignment.
  5. What kind of writing are you good at and what kind of writing do you find difficult?
  6. In what ways have you improved as a writer this semester? What brought about those improvements? Support your response with specific examples from your assignments.
  7. Refer to one of your assignments. Detail the revisions you’ve made and improvements and changes that you want readers to notice.
  8. Acknowledge the reader-respondents who have influenced your work and how.
  9. Refer to your essays and to your essay rubrics and discuss the merits and faults of your assignments in terms of content, organization, and style.
  10. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Support your response with specific examples from your assignment.
  11. What would you change if you had a chance to do an assignment over again?

12.  If you read the work of your peers, what is one thing that you have seen in your classmates’ work or process that you would like to try in a future essay?

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