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Recycling Plastic Water

Recycling Plastic Water
Bottles and Pollution
i want an academic research paper about recycling plastic water bottlers. it needs to have 3 pages
Complete Paper Title Not Abbreviated and
Not Bold

introduction paragraph for the research paper begins here with a hook to
stimulate reader interest. Write a “placeholder” for your hook because you will
not have a great idea right away. Your hook choices are: a) general statement,
b) impressive statistic, or c) profound quotation. After the hook, you need to add
some sentences to elaborate and say something in your own words about the statement,
statistic or quotation. These sentences show that you are being reflective. At the end of the first paragraph, for the last sentence, you need to
write a clear thesis statement or statement of purpose. For example, you could
say … This research paper examines … Or… The purpose of this research is to … Or

… The focus of this research is on determining how XXX influences YYY.


you need to write what is known as a literature review to provide background information
and establish a knowledge base for your topic. In this case, your literature
review is not comprehensive, it is a small, or minor literature review because
you are only required to cite Abascal, Brucato, Stephenson and Brucato (2015)
and a minimum of two other current sources from experts who have conducted
research in your area of interest. In this section you should provide
definitions, explanations, and theories for key concepts (such as environmental
sustainability, recycling, global responsibility, coral reefs, proactive, well-being,
paradigm shift, self-awareness, positive attitude, attitude of gratitude,

stress, win-win solutions). With each paraphrase or quote include correct
in-text citation format (see chart located near the end of this paper). After
each paraphrase or quote, add a sentence or two with your own interpretation or
examples in your own words. These follow up sentences are very important
because they will demonstrate your knowledge and learning from reading. This
part of your paper (introduction and background) must be 1 page minimum.

Topic One

In this section, you need to start each
paragraph with a topic sentence. Then add supporting sentences with information
to develop your ideas. Include transition words, simple sentences, and compound
and complex sentences. This section could be one or two paragraphs. Do not make
lists, but write in complete sentences. Include citations from your readings
and interpretations and elaborations in your own voice. Do not copy and paste.
Use more paraphrases than quotations. Write in third person plural. Be carefulabout grammar and punctuation.

this section, you need to start each paragraph with a topic sentence. Then add
supporting sentences with information to develop your ideas. Include transition
words, simple sentences, and compound and complex sentences. This section could
be one or two paragraphs. Do not make lists, but write in complete sentences.
Include citations from your readings and interpretations and elaborations in
your own voice. Do not copy and paste. Use more paraphrases than quotations. Write
in third person plural. Be careful about grammar and punctuation.
Topic Two

In this section, you need to start
each paragraph with a topic sentence. Then add supporting sentences with
information to develop your ideas. Include transition words, simple sentences,
and compound and complex sentences. This section could be one or two
paragraphs. Do not make lists, but write in complete sentences. Include
citations from your readings and interpretations and elaborations in your own
voice. Do not copy and paste. Use more paraphrases than quotations. Write in
third person plural. Be careful about grammar and punctuation. When you finish,
remove the section titles for Abety’s version.


End with a short concluding
paragraph that reconnects back to the beginning, your hook, and offer a
relevant recommendation or final observation. Bring closure to the paper with a
satisfying end.

Note: Here is a chart from the APA
site to help you with in-text citation format.


American Psychiatric
Association. (2011). Basics of APA style tutorial. Retrieved from

Degelman, D. (2009). APA style essentials. Retrieved fromhttp://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.aspx?doc_id=796

Holmes, J. (2001). An introduction to sociolinguistics (2nd
ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited.

Purdue University. Purdue online writing lab. Retrieved
from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/

…………………..Answer preview…………………………
Drinking water from a plastic bottle on a hot day seems glamorous. The fact that one can carry water around and drink and save whenever they feel like makes plastic water bottle a good idea to have with a person. If these plastic bottles are however not checked, they could be so many and if they are disposed irresponsibly they would lead to environmental pollution, (Hardy 2003)………………………….
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