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Reflection regarding what new learnings taken away from the week’s activities

Reflection regarding what new learnings taken away from the week’s activities

 Include a cover page and 1-2 pages of reflection regarding what new learnings taken away from the week’s activities, readings, videos, and other information you found noteworthy. In particular, give consideration to making adjustments to implemented strategies from a previous quarter of operations. Your journal should reflect the importance of being able to effectively analyze outcomes of previous business quarters and making adjustments. Please use resources below.

Uggla, H. (2015). Aligning Brand Portfolio Strategy with Business Strategy. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 12(3), 7–17. (first uploaded resource)

Cadrain, S. (2020). Pre-tax net income chart explanation Download Pre-tax net income chart explanation[Presentation slides]. Canvas@UAGC. https://login.uagc.edu
This PowerPoint presentation covers information about how to analyze HISCO’s financial metrics specifically pre-tax and after-tax income. The presentation can be used as a tool to better understand the “Pre-Tax Income: Year Plan vs. Actual” graph located in the Grow Your Business” (GYB) simulation.

Paunovic, G. (2017, December 6). The single strategy you need to fuel business growth right nowLinks to an external site.. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/12/06/the-single-strategy-you-need-to-fuel-business-growth-right-now/#35b9fdd42c59
Paper Format: APA

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reflection regarding what new learnings taken away from the week's activities


358 words

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