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When scientists talk about waves, they sometimes mean the kind that move across the surface of water, sometimes the kind that move across the surface of land in the form of earthquakes, and sometimes the kind that carry energy through space without the need for a medium like water or the crust of the earth.

Seminar this week focuses on this last kind: electromagnetic waves.

Learn about the basics of the electromagnetic spectrum here:



In Seminar we will focus on a few parts of the spectrum. For some background information on these different parts, read through these web pages and watch the following videos:


Infrared Waves

Visible Light Waves

If you look at the diagram of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, you will see that radio waves, nuclear radiation, and X-rays are other kinds of electromagnetic waves. The difference among all of them is their energy.

Come to seminar prepared to answer some questions for your cousin Pauline:

  1. Your cousin Pauline, once a proud microwave chef, has taken to dining out a lot more often and using her toaster oven for the leftovers. She recently learned of the dangers of radiation, thanks to rising awareness of the dangers of tanning booths and even recent disasters at nuclear power plants, and is concerned that her microwave could pose a threat to her own health. What should Pauline know about these different forms of radiation? Which forms are dangerous and why? Can you convince her to return to her microwaving ways?
  2. In an attempt to show Pauline there are even more forms of electromagnetic radiation which are not only harmless but actually helpful, you ask if she has ever experienced infra-red light treatments at the chiropractor or is aware of the medical uses for infra-red imagery. However, for fear of scaring her more with images like this, be sure to explain to her what she is “seeing” in these images, and how infra-red radiation differs from that used for X-ray imaging.
  3. Review the section entitled “Thinking More About Electromagnetic Radiation, Is EFL Radiation Dangerous” in section 6.3 of your textbook reading for this unit. You can also explore additional information from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) here:

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA):


What are some of the controversies concerning the dangers of extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation? Based upon the reading and your own experience, do you think this is a topic you should discuss with your cousin Pauline?

Complete one of the following options below:

Option 1: Participate in a synchronous Seminar. The School of General Education’s Science Department Seminars are meant to be an interactive period between students and instructor – not a lecture period. In order to fully participate in Seminar be sure to prepare ahead of time by reviewing the provided materials. It is recommended that students create a MS Word document including responses to the Seminar questions listed, as well as any questions you may have on the topic. These questions and comments can then be easily copied and pasted into the Seminar chat screen throughout our discussion. Be sure to respond to questions posed by your instructor and feel free to share your own thoughts, ideas, and questions related to the topic. It is important to participate throughout the hour. Your active participation helps to advance the discussion and allows your instructor to determine which areas warrant further exploration.

Option 2: Write and submit a short paper responding to the questions provided above. Your paper should contain a minimum of 400 words and should follow APA format for all citations and references.

Submitting Your Assignment

Save your copy of the assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to use the “Save As” option to include your first and last name in the title of the document. For example, your assignment might be called Shawn_Edwards_Seminar1.doc

When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

  • Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.
  • In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 3: Seminar
  • In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your paper.
  • Click the Add Attachments button.
  • Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
  • To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Click the Dropbox to access it.
  • Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.

ID: SC300-03-08-S



………..answer preview………..

Microwaves are used to heat food by use of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation builds up thermal energy in order to heat the food. Infrared waves are also an electromagnetic radiation. For instance, the earth is warmed by infrared radiation from the sun. Infrared radiation is usually detected by a variety of electromagnetic devices. Infrared light waves are also used to change channels on TVs. Visible light waves are the only electro magnetic waves we can see.

Microwave radiation is the most dangerous type of radiation. The microwave radiation can leak out and cause damage to the human cells and also tissues. The foods that are micro waved have been shown to elevate cholesterol and stress and lead to a decrease in the white blood cells. Since a microwave is an electricity appliance, it produces a toxic electromagnetic field which is over and above the potential microwave leakage. Microwaves cause an individual to have a weakened immune system which leads to a…………..


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