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Describe two ways in which the message might be revised based on the strategies for effective speaking

Describe two ways in which the message might be revised based on the strategies for effective speaking

“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two? Does that seem right? To the average person that means that if they have to go to a funeral, they’d be better off in the casket than giving the eulogy.” Jerry Seinfeld

Across age groups and different types of speaking arenas, many people fear being in front of an audience and trying to communicate effectively. Yet employment eligibility and upward mobility for many criminal justice roles often require competent public speaking skills. As a speaker, you do not want your credibility and potential impact to suffer because of any nervous traits you might exhibit. Neither do you want to accidentally stumble over your words and inadvertently deliver inaccurate information. Working to overcome the fear of public speaking is therefore essential.

For this assignment, review the attached PowerPoint and consider strategies for effective speaking. Next, examine fears or anxieties related to public speaking. In addition, consider how fear or anxiety related to public speaking may influence a potential speaker and alter the intent of the message.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

Review attached PowerPoint.

Describe two ways in which the message might be revised based on the strategies for effective speaking provided in the learning resources

Explain any fears or anxiety, if any, related to public speaking

Explain how fear or anxiety related to public speaking may influence a potential speaker and alter the intent of the message

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.


Bodie, G. D. (2010). A racing heart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, and treating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 59(1), 70–105.


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As much as juvenile delinquents require going behind bars for the sake of rehabilitation, it is important to ensure that the prevention and rehabilitation programs aid them with conforming them so that they can be helpful members of society. The juvenile delinquents end up learning a lot including gaining skills that can……………………………….


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