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At the time of Coronavirus pandemic and fake news how is public opinion shaped in regards to this crisis

At the time of Coronavirus pandemic and fake news how is public opinion shaped in regards to this crisis

Prompt: At the time of Coronavirus pandemic and fake news how is public opinion shaped in regards to this crisis? How is information flow shaping discussions in respect to China and Asian Americans?

A proper response paper is a combination of your thoughts, analysis about the prompt in connection with the course material. In doing so, please relate your papers to class topics. A response paper demonstrates your understanding and interpretation of the course material –lectures, readings, videos, podcasts, guest speakers-. A response paper is less structured than a research paper you write for other classes but it still has a clear argument and flow. Each response paper should be minimum 1000 words. Please include a word count(Use 1,5 space and Times New Roman).

Grading rubric: Argument: 40 pts, Organization: 20 pts, References: 20 pts (at least three references outside of course reading/material. Academic journals, books, popular magazines such as Time, Newsweek, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Vice News, TED Talks, Video lectures accepted for references), Style: 20pts.



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At the time of Coronavirus pandemic and fake news how is public opinion shaped in regards to this crisis


1039 words

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