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Explain the elements of a public-key directory and include an explanation of a public-key certificate.

Explain the elements of a public-key directory and include an explanation of a public-key certificate.

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Your consulting assignment with the security staff has been a success. The staff understands the encryption concepts that you have explained. The latest discussions have been on public-key cryptography. The following are some specific questions that need to be explained in more detail:

What are the 4 key elements of a public-key directory?

What is a public-key certificate?

Explain the elements of a public-key directory, and include an explanation of a public-key certificate.

Research the tools available to create a Secure Shell public-key certificate using the Windows environment.

Differentiate between the tools researched and make a recommendation for one tool that you examined. Supply the reasons for your recommendation.

Describe the process used to generate a public-key certificate using your recommended tool. Include challenges and any best practices.

Note: This assignment builds upon your cryptography knowledge. Recall your Secure Pro (Module 3 Cryptography) lab work in ITAS363 (Unit 3 IP). Refer back to your work if you would like to refresh your memory in support of this assignment.

Prepare a Word document that covers the topics in 3-4 pages. The information contained within the Word document must be professional in appearance.

Reference your sources in APA format.


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Explain the elements of a public-key directory and include an explanation of a public-key certificate.APA

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