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Briefly, discuss one concern you have about your future role as an educator.

Briefly, discuss one concern you have about your future role as an educator.

Answer the following questions clearly and concisely in 3-5 complete sentences, per question. Identify examples from the reading to support your response

1. Throughout the reading, Kumashiro highlights the many ways teachers are \”blamed for all that is wrong with education\” (p. 45). Briefly, discuss one concern you have about your future role as an educator.

2. According to Kumashiro, how does government (federal, state, and local) disinvestment in public education enable venture philanthropies \”to leverage wealth to transform public education\” (p. 72)? What are the implications for accountability?

Requirements: How ever long it needs to be

Answer preview to briefly, discuss one concern you have about your future role as an educator.

Briefly, discuss one concern you have about your future role as an educator.


342 words

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