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Psychotherapy has also been identified in the literature as “talk therapy.” Has talk therapy positively contributed to the growth of psychology as a helping science? Why or why not? Have other therapy strategies that are not related to talk therapy made more significant contributions than talk therapy to the growth of psychology as a helping science? Why or why not? Give examples.

Please provide a 150-250 word response to the above question with at least 1 cited reference and please cite the reference using APA 6th edition format and please provide www or doi website address in referece





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According to L’Abate (2013), psychotherapy is basically referred to as talk therapy because of the fact that it uses psychological methods that are based on continued individual interactions in order to help persons change and overcome challenges by use of desired means. Its goal is to enable wellbeing and mental health of individuals, mitigate bad behaviors, thoughts and any other personal attribute or behavior of a person that may have negative impact on the life of an individual. It also aims at improving….


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