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List two empirical and two non empirical questions about human behavior.

List two empirical and two non empirical questions about human behavior.

You must choose ONE of the following questions/topics below to answer/address. Make sure you answer/address ALL parts of the question/topic. If you quote directly from the text in your answer please indicate so by using quotation marks. When using material from the text you must list page numbers. Remember, grammar counts; this is an upper level course so I expect you to communicate your ideas clearly and to appropriately cite material. DO NOT copy and paste from websites.

1. What are the three fundamental features of the general scientific approach? Be sure to describe each feature and provide a specific example of each.

2. People sometimes suggest that psychology cannot be a science because either a) human behavior cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy, or b) must of its subject matter (e.g., thoughts and feelings) cannot be observed directly. Tell us why psychology is a science and why both assumptions are false. What is an “empirical question”? List two empirical and two non empirical questions about human behavior.

3. What is basic research? What is applied research? Based on your own experience or on things you have already learned about psychology, list three basic research questions and three applied research questions. Be sure to identify specific variables in your examples.

week1_discussion research_methods_in_psychologych4 research_methods_in_psychologych1

Answer preview to list two empirical and two non empirical questions about human behavior.

List two empirical and two non empirical questions about human behavior.


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