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 Applying Psychology

 Applying Psychology

Applying psychology to everyday life

For this assignment, you will begin by reviewing Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Paying Attention to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder on pp. 87–88 of the eTextbook.

Now, imagine that you are a university psychology professor. One of your students, John Doe, was recently diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), combined presentation. He has emailed you and requested your advice and assistance with better understanding his circumstances, diagnosis, and prognosis. You will reply to John by writing an e-mail in which you will offer him advice in the following areas.

Indicate structures of the brain that are involved and biopsychology factors that could impact his emotions, learning, memory, and motivation related to your class.

Describe ways in which his brain can perceive information from the outside world that could in turn impact his performance in your class.

Identify suggestions that you have for John to increase his chances for success in your class as well his other courses.

Your e-mail must be a minimum of 500 words in the body of the e-mail. You must use at least two sources, one of which may be your eTextbook, to support your advice. All sources used must be properly cited. Include the references at the bottom of the e-mail for your student’s reference. Please include a title page for the homework. The title page, citations, and references must be formatted in APA style.

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 Applying Psychology


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