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Describe your own Job Function(Property Manager) and Job Description 

Describe your own Job Function(Property Manager) and Job Description

Follow the instruction and template below:

Describe your own Job Function(Property Manager) and Job Description and then offer 2 activities/decisions in your job function for increasing or decreasing your company’s overall valuation.

Each of the 2 valuation scenarios must have 1 choice to increase value, and 1 choice to decrease value.

Briefly describe the details for each choice and why it increases/decreases the valuation of your firm.

Use the Answer Template below to present your role and the valuation scenarios.

Grading criteria:

Define the job function and job description (5) points

Each valuation scenario is worth (20) points total

Each choice must explain details of the implications of making the choice (10) points

Each choice must explain if it increases or decreases from your company’s overall valuation (4) points

Follow the template below and use the attached document.

Answer Template:

Job Function: Technology Manager

Job Description: As part of BitLink Solutions, you need to decide how to manage your software team and focus on what your company needs for both long term and short term growth. The age old question of build versus buy and software maintenance are two common decisions a technology manager must make.

Option/Valuation Scenario 1:

Choice 1: Build new software features that provide new revenue stream.

The benefit of writing software in house is the ability to build exactly what customers want and the increased ease to maintain the code in the future. Up front, you will create expense to pay software engineers, quality assurance engineers, and project managers. But once the feature is done, it will continue to create revenue for years. This decision will increase your company’s overall valuation.

Choice 2: Purchase third party components to add features to your software.

This decision may seem like a quick win to get to market sooner, but there may be added cost in annual license fees. There is also the potential for increased spend if the third party component has bugs or needs to be modified to fit your needs. You may spend more time supporting the third party component than if you had it written it in house. This decision will decrease your company’s overall valuation

Option/Valuation Scenario 2:

Choice 1: Enhance existing software to gain market share from competitors and improve security.

By increasing the features in your software, you can steal market share from your competition. It will cost money up front to build these enhancements. But you can control what to build by surveying your user base and estimate ROI based on difficulty of the feature and how much you can charge for new features. This decision will increase your company’s overall valuation.

Choice 2: Continue use of existing software to retain customers who are already familiar with your product.

Familiarity can be comforting, and you will reduce costs by not utilizing a software team. However, technology changes often and you need to improve your application to keep the user experience up to date. Also, the likelihood of a security issue increases as your software becomes more out of date. Hackers find vulnerabilities in legacy apps and exploitation of those vulnerabilities is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. This decision will decrease your company’s overall valuation



Answer preview to describe your own Job Function(Property Manager) and Job Description

Describe your own Job Function(Property Manager) and Job Description 


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