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Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project

Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project

In order to deliver the project ahead of schedule, you have been granted permission to add more resources to your team. Your Project Sponsor has worked out a deal to add an outside firm (partner) to your project team. They have very little understanding of your project and you don’t have a lot of time to educate them on the project’s specifics. Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project, as well as how to get them up to speed on your project.

After posting your response, respond to at least one (1) of your classmates on their suggestions.

Student’s Response:

My thoughts from the article; Kaizen is a type of management and theory that Toyota and other Japanese automakers tend to use today. Toyota workers are supposed to constantly search for changes in quality and productivity instead of waiting for issues to happen. If factory workers see a potential problem, they start looking for a solution immediately, instead of allowing that glitch to expand as production continues.

One way of embracing Kaizen is by encouraging the punishment-free exchange of ideas that often encourage innovation. Under the Toyota system he or she gets a bonus when an employee makes a suggestion that saves money. It is expected that both the management and staff will constantly look for ways to improve the production process. I think this could work on a corporate level America if there’s a stop to constantly threatening termination of workers. Employees who fear being fired in the assembly process may be more hesitant to give feedback or report errors.

Answer preview to describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project

Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project


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