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Case Scenario: Elite Burger’s New Product Launch

Case Scenario: Elite Burger’s New Product Launch

2-1 Case Scenario: Elite Burger\’s New Product Launch


Before a project team can begin working on their project, the requirements, scope, and goals need to be documented and authorized. In this assignment, you will create a project charter that includes all the pertinent information for a given scenario. You will also list the project’s stakeholders and their influence on the proposed project.

Elite Burger: New Product Launch Case ScenarioDavid Smith, a project manager at Elite Burger, was called into an executive meeting on short notice. During the meeting, the executive team discussed the increased demand for vegetarian and vegan products in the industry. So, they decided that a new burger called the “Veggie Time Burger” will be launched in six months. They want the burger to stand out from the other similar products with fresh ingredients and new toppings. Since David has successfully launched other products in the past, he has been tasked with being the project manager for this new project.


Review the case scenario and complete the following project initiation activities: draft a project charter and create a stakeholder register.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Draft a project charter that contains the project title, business case, project requirements, project scope, and the proposed delivery date.
  • Create a stakeholder registry with the names or titles of project stakeholders, their roles, their level of interest, and their power or influence on the project. Also, explain in a sentence or two how you determined their interest and power levels.

For your response, you can draw on the course material, your experience, and research.

What to Submit

Submit a single document of 2 to 4 pages containing the project charter and the stakeholder register.

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Case Scenario: Elite Burger's New Product Launch


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