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Problems with the Globalization of Media

Problems with the Globalization of Media

Problems with the Globalization of Media

The final Portfolio Project for this course requires that students select and critically evaluate a research topic. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to synthesize many of the issues about the sociology of media discussed throughout the modules and in the textbook.

For the portfolio project, choose a media text to analyze. A media text includes:

Television show

News event

Film or film franchise

Radio show or even radio format


Book franchise

Video game franchise

Advertising campaign

Social networking used for activism (e.g., “Flashmobbing”)

Twitter used for newsgathering

The purpose of your final paper is to critically evaluate a mass media text by applying at least three or more of the major issues or concepts explored by the textbook and course content. These issues or concepts include:

Economics of the production and distribution of the media text

Laws and policies that regulate the production and distribution of the media text

Ways in which structural power constrains individuals and institutions that produce the media text

Ways in which dominant ideologies are transmitted by the media text

Opportunities that exist for individuals and audiences to use the media text in unintended ways

Influence of technology in the production and distribution of the media text

Issues that arise when the media text is distributed globally

A recommended organization of your paper should include:

Thesis paragraph

Description of the media text

Description of the focus of your paper

Application of the concepts/issues

Critical analysis of the text in light of the application of the concepts/issues

Engagement of possible solutions to a problem or problems (if applicable)

Your well-written paper should also meet the following requirements:

8-10 pages


Formatted according to APA Requirements

Including a minimum of three outside sources, citing in proper APA style.

Title Page (not included in page count)

Reference Page (not included in page count)

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