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Discuss the use of a psychological test in a specific setting to solve problems for the individual or the organization

Discuss the use of a psychological test in a specific setting to solve problems for the individual or the organization

Presentation to the Board of Directors Throughout this course, we explored the psychometric properties of psychological tests used in a variety of settings. We also explored ethical standards and laws as they relate to psychological assessments, particularly regarding the use of assessments with diverse populations. In this week’s assignment, you will apply all the information to discuss the use of a psychological test in a specific setting to solve problems for the individual or the organization, while considering the laws and ethics that apply to using the test with diverse populations in those settings.

you work for a large organization and have been asked to present to stakeholders the rationale in using a test to solve a problem.
 1 of the following options:

Option 1 Select
 1 personality or aptitude test to base this assessment.
 an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes, to the board of directors of a company to discuss reasons for or against the use of the personality test for hiring and team building.For your presentation, you should:

Discuss background on the selected test.

Integrate research from at least 5 scholarly peer-reviewed sources to support your position for or against the use of the test.

Discuss legal and ethical issues that need to be considered, while integrating information from Section 9 of the APA Ethics Code. Pay particular attention to the ethics surrounding the use of the assessment tool with diverse populations.

Summarize your points for or against the use of the test in the organization.

Option 2 Select 
1 personality, intelligence, or achievement test to base this assessment.
 an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, including detailed speaker notes, to the board of directors of a psychological treatment facility to discuss reasons for or against the use of a published psychological test for intake assessments.For your presentation, you should:

  1. Discuss background on the selected test, including information that would be gleaned from the test to aid treatment.
  2. Integrate research from scholarly peer-reviewed sources to support your position for or against the use of the test.
  3. Discuss legal and ethical issues that need to be considered, while integrating information from Section 9 of the APA Ethics Code. Pay particular attention to the use of the assessment tool with diverse populations.
  4. Summarize your points for or against the use of the test in the organization.

your sources according to APA guidelines.Submit your assignment.Resources

  1. Center for Writing Excellence
  2. Reference and Citation Generator
  3. Grammar Assistance

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Discuss the use of a psychological test in a specific setting to solve problems for the individual or the organization

11 slides

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