Karl Marx and the Negro Problem
When Du Bois first broke with the NAACP and returned to Atlanta University in 1933, he taught a course called “Karl Marx and the Negro Problem.” Above is an essay assignment that he gave to his students. In essence, he wanted his students to comment on the relevance of Marxist analysis to the challenges facing Black Americans at that time. In a nod to our rich AUC heritage, I want to recreate the spirit of Du Bois’s assignment. Drawing on work that we’ve read from Marx, as well as any writings from the modules on liberalism and imperialism, make an argument for how Marxist analysis is or is not relevant for Black liberation struggle in our time.
sources: https://www.google.com/books/edition/Elite_Capture/j3ZPEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PT7&printsec=frontcover
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