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Engage in multiple research methods that help you gain insight into your topic and develop promising evidence

Engage in multiple research methods that help you gain insight into your topic and develop promising evidence

I need some to create me Multimedia Point that include research designs, survey/interview questions, charts, and statistics. THE TOPIC IS “HOW CELL PHONES CHANGED US SOCIALLY,

Primary Research – Engage in multiple research methods that help you gain insight into your topic and develop promising evidence for your own research essay. Specifically, you will 1. Assemble an annotated bibliography of sources related to your topic, 2. Write a proposal for your research project #3, following the model on pp. 53-54 of CR., 3. Conduct primary research in the form of interviews, textual analysis, or other direct data-gathering, 4. Present your findings to the class in multiple media.



…………………….Answer preview…………………….

About 87% of all adults own a cellphone
Has the use of cellphones brought people closer together or alienated them?
Both sides of the question have valid points.
Cell phones allows people to reach to each other through phone calls, messages, instant messages, and emails and through the social media………………….

12 slides

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