Power of Observation
“Power of Observation” Please respond to the following:
- Select one (1) of the following concepts to examine: in-group / out-group, bystander effect, conformity, nonconformity, foot-in-the-door strategy, or door-in-the-face strategy. Next, describe one (1) situation in which you observed the concept chosen. (Situations can be anything from observing people in a grocery store to interacting with your children or a colleague, among many others.) Then, identify the concept you observed and discuss how it relates to the situation.
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Conformity is the process of bending one’s beliefs and behavior so as to act in accordance to the desires of a group or person. In recent years psychologists have been amazed at the immense power that authority figures possess and how they drive people to actually carry out inhuman acts that in their normal senses they would not perform. Erik Erikson, a psychologist who has had a great impact on psychology through his research that resulted in the formulation of the developmental theory. This theory encompassed at thorough scrutiny of the………………
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