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Write a 4 page review of Matthew Desmond’s (2016) book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

Write a 4 page review of Matthew Desmond’s (2016) book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

Write a 4 page review of Matthew Desmond’s (2016) book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

Write a 4 page paper using the 5 guidelines stated below and Include a bibliography at the end of the paper, listing the references (including readings and lectures) you cited.


In this class, you will be writing a review of Matthew Desmond’s (2016) book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.

Your task is to review the book, explain how it relates to sociological research on inequality, and draw on course readings and lecture material throughout your paper.In your review, you should answer the following questions:

What is/are the central research question(s) of this study?What is Desmond attempting to figure out or explain? (Approximately 1 paragraph)

Describe the methodology used to answer the central research question.Know both the general story line of “what the researcher did” and the specific type of data and techniques the researcher utilized. (approximately 1 paragraph)

Describe the key findings of the study.What is the general import of the study?Does the data Desmond collected support his analysis and argument?How and why? Provide specific examples from the book to make your point.(Approximately 1-2 pages)

Where does Desmond fall on various debates we’ve discussed in class?How would some of the other scholars we have read for class explain his findings?For example, think about how some of the theories and findings we have discussed in class would relate to the various findings in his book. (Approximately 2 pages)

Optional: Briefly discuss whether or not Desmond’s findings are convincing. Why or why not?Do you have any criticisms? (Approximately 1 paragraph)

This review should be a critical essay explaining Matthew Desmond’s research. The essay should demonstrate that you have completed the required reading and that you have thoughtfully considered the main points, argument, and contributions of his research.The essay should be well-written and organized, and it should utilize evidence from Desmond’s work to support your summary and analysis of the research.In this assignment, you will also explain how Desmond’s research can be understood within the sociology of stratification more generally, requiring you to cite at least three readings and lecture material, drawing connections to theories, terms, and ideas we have considered in class.


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Write a 4 page review of Matthew Desmond’s (2016) book, Evicted; Poverty and Profit in the American City.APA

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