Home » Downloads » Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events (past or current) that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American government today. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: In your response, consider how the events influenced the way state, local or national political leaders or agencies responded in a socially responsible or ethical manner toward the community.

Discuss two (2) media events (past or present) that have positively and or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider how a news story or media coverage of an event positively or negatively changed the public’s opinion (or perception) regarding how responsible a government agency should be towards meeting the needs of its customers; i.e. the American people.

Discuss two (2) differences between the Republican and Democratic parties that may have an ethical impact (positively or negatively) on the American people. Provide examples to support your answer. Note: Consider the different ideals, values, morals, and/or goals held by the Republican and Democratic parties, and their different views on the ethically or morally right way to govern and make the best policies for the people they serve. Determine if your example presents any type of ethical concerns for or against the public interest of the American people.

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Civil liberties events

In the growth of America to become the current democratic country that it is, there have been very many ups and downs that have determined the way the country operates. Several events have been recorded in the past and key among them was the 1791 adoption of the freedom of speech. This is something that has changed the way most politics function. This is because it made it possible for politicians….


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