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Taking Action: Policy, politics, and advocating for medical cannabis use

Taking Action: Policy, politics, and advocating for medical cannabis use

Taking Action: Policy, politics, and advocating for medical cannabis use

Mason et al. (2021) highlight the environmental and social justice issues surrounding the illegal nature of cannabis. With legalization, the environmental impact of growing cannabis can be closely regulated, with hemp being a renewable and environmentally friendly source. Additionally, Mason et al. (2021) discuss the astounding percentages of arrests and prison sentences related to possession or sale of cannabis, most of which disproportionately affect minorities and economically despaired populations. From Carey Clark’s story, I learned about nurses’ role in medical cannabis use. Clark discusses the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its relation to diet, stress, exercise, and holistic modalities. When used intentionally, cannabis can “heal or palliate physical and/or mental symptoms, with less concern over obtaining the feeling of euphoria.” The American Cannabis Nurses Association (2019) scope of practice guidelines define the nursing process components of assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation in relation to cannabis use and the role of the nurse and advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). For example, under evaluation, an APRN “Enacts a systematic evaluation process with the goal of enhancing a patient-centered cannabis plan of care effectiveness.” As Carey Clark has, we can advocate for ECS education in nursing curricula and for an end to mandatory drug-sentencing guidelines. One of the most significant barriers to legalization is the recreational use of cannabis with other intoxicants or alcohol, as this is not safe and can cause impaired judgment and driving. I have seen firsthand how cannabis can alleviate cancer-related pain. As an APRN I can dedicate time to learning more about cannabis and the ECS to educate my patients who may choose to use cannabis medicinally.

American Cannabis Nurses Association. (2019). Scope and standards of practice for cannabis nurses. Cannabis Nurses. https://www.cannabisnurses.org/assets/docs/2019_RN_APRN%20Cannabis%20Scope%20and%20Standards%20WEBSITE.pdf

Mason, D. J., Perez, A., McLemore, M. R., & Dickson, E. (2021). Policy and politics in nursing and healthcare (8th ed.). Elsevier.

Paper Format: APA

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Taking Action: Policy politics and advocating for medical cannabis use


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