Political Science
Do the survey, and write one page response about the survey.
the survey 20 peopls. 10 women, amd 10 man.
- Do you believe that regularly drinking sugary sodas like Coke, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew increases a person’s chance of becoming overweight or obese?
WOMEN Yes ______ No______ Not Sure ______
MEN Yes ______ No ______ Not Sure ______
- Would you support taxing the sale of sugar sweetened beverages?
WOMEN YES_____ NO_______ Not Sure_____
MEN YES_____ NO_______ Not Sure______
- Would you support taxing the sale of sugar sweetened beverages if proceeds from the tax are used to improve school nutrition and physical activity programs?
WOMEN YES____ NO______ Not Sure______
MEN YES_____ NO______ Not Sure______
………….Answer Preview……………..
The survey, which involved 10 men and 10 women, was successful and provided the necessary information. The survey had three questions which three answering option which were straightforward and easy to answer. The first question asked interviewees whether they believe that regular drinking of sodas like Coke, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew increases an individual’s chances of becoming overweight or obese . The ten women and ten men chose either the yes or no answering option without choosing the not sure option. This was crucial and helpful…………………
244 Words