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Correspond to the Australian National quality framework and regulation

correspond to the Australian National quality framework and regulation

I need help completing question 14. the answers only have to be short 50-100 words for each point the regulation numbers are as  follows :

record keeping – regulation 158-162 and 177

staff qualifications– regulations 125-128

health and hygiene regulation 77

keep in mind this assignment has to correspond to the Australian National quality framework and regulation , not american or any other country.you can find the national quality standards at http://www.acecqa.gov.au/ArticleCategory.aspx?pid=372&gcpid=2

……………………………..Answer preview……………………………………..
This regulation entails requirements for attendance records, enrolment products to be kept by the approved and relevant person and family day care educator. The regulation requires those in authority of child care to keep records which may include the enrolment record for children, medical treatment including ambulance transportation and routine outings…………………………………
353 words
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