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Managing information systems

Managing information systems

Throughout the course there are numerous key concepts and terms that are presented regarding the management of information systems. Please read 1 of the following articles, and then write a 1-page summary. Within the summary, be sure to relate key concepts involved in managing information systems to current practices.

Articles attached:
• Karim, A. J. (2011). The significance of management information systems for enhancing strategic and tactical planning.  Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management: JISTEM,  8(2), 459-470.

• Abdul-Mumin S. (2014). An analysis and implementation of an information management system for students and staffs. I-Manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 3(3), 9-19.

• Faber, N., MBM, d. K., & Smidts, A. (2013). Organizing warehouse management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(9), 1230-1256.



Answer Preview For Managing information systems

The Significance of Management Information Systems

350 Words