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Why do supercontinents break apart quicker than expected

Why do supercontinents break apart quicker than expected

watch a video and create a min 150-word statement/response

1. Why do supercontinents break apart quicker than expected?

2. How do plate tectonics complicate the study of old (>200 million years old) rocks?
Read: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-07/uo…

Watch:  https://youtu.be/kwfNGatxUJI

Read the article and watch the video, and then provide your analysis.
Read the article watch a video to create a 150-word statement/response to the key concepts of the article…

Answer preview to why do supercontinents break apart quicker than expected

Why do supercontinents break apart quicker than expected


171 words

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