Describe the function and process of sprint planning
#1. Describe the function and process of sprint planning. Who attends? Who facilitates? What is the outcome?
#2. Overview
The BATTLE WAGON project provides the student with a frame for demonstrating the usefulness for managing more ambiguous project with agile.
User Story
As a survivor of the zombie apocalypse, I need a motorized vehicle with the following capabilities:
- Operates with minimal fuel source replenishment (think sustainability)Provides hefty security measures against all potential threats
- Supports living space for up to 5 people for 1 month at a time
Build the structure for an agile project to deliver on the customer need.
Session Activities
- Review .xlsx template: MPM 640.Agile.Product Backlog and 30 Day Sprint Backlog Template.xlsm Download MPM 640.Agile.Product Backlog and 30 Day Sprint Backlog Template.xlsm
- See user guide: MPM 640.Agile.Sprint Backlog Template Quick Start.pdf Download MPM 640.Agile.Sprint Backlog Template Quick Start.pdf
- On the Sprint tab,
- copy the highest priority deliverables (from backlog).
- breakdown each deliverable (product scope) into tasks (project scope) required to complete.
- Hint: each task will begin with a verb (example: Build frame).
- Submit Backlog template with the updated Sprint tab.
Azure DevOps Challenge (optional)
- Review Azure DevOps (Links to an external site.)documentation:
- Schedule sprints (Links to an external site.)
- Define iteration paths or sprints (Links to an external site.)
- Scrum and sprint planning tools (Links to an external site.)
- Review Tutorial
- Assign backlog items to a sprint (Links to an external site.)
- Add tasks (Links to an external site.)
- Adjust work to fit capacity (Links to an external site.)
- Share your sprint plan (Links to an external site.)
- Sign on to your Azure DevOps account: (Links to an external site.) (sign up here: (Links to an external site.)SignupAzureDevOps (Links to an external site.))
- Schedule current sprint in Azure DevOps.
Rubin, Kenneth. Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process.
- Chapter 5: Requirements and User Stories pp.79-98
- Chapter 6: Product Backlog pp.99-118
- Chapter 7: Estimation and Velocity pp.119-138
- Chapter 8: Technical Debt pp.139-162
- Chapter 19: Sprint Planning pp.333-346
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