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Planning in any organization at any point in time is an important factor in having success within an organization.

Planning in any organization at any point in time is an important factor in having success within an organization.

Chapter Four Questions1.)        Planning in any organization at any point in time is an important factor in having success within an organization. Without planning, many unexpected events could take place to deter a businesses success. It is the fundamental concept to have a process in place that answers the questions of what, where, why, when and how actions will take place within an organization. By having a plan in place, it enables managers to allocate resources in the most appropriate manner. According to George et al. (2019), strategic planning has a positive impact on both the private and public sector and that strategic planning is potent in enhancing organizational effectiveness.            With that being said, the overarching concept of planning and its purpose in organizations is the same today as it was 25 years ago. However, planning today might be viewed as more important than what it was 25 years ago. In a world where everything changes very rapidly, it can be harder to predict what is to come. Therefore, planning becomes extremely important today, to ensure a plan is in place for any sort of unexpected change. Furthermore, managers need to be equipped to anticipate problems that they could foresee but also opportunities that are out there as well. This requires mangers to have a foundation of planning in place to know when problems occur and when to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself.2.)        The domain of an organization can be identified as an area in which that organization operates. This can mean physical location but would most likely is identified as an area of specialization for any given organization. It is essential that an organization changes its domain or at least adapts its domain to create a competitive advantage in the market. A company should have an ever-changing domain in order to adapt to customer desires and market needs. Adapting to the environment would include changes or advancements in a company’s products or services that would make them superior to competitors in the same field.            In the market there is constant change that is taking place, so it is crucial that business change in order to stay competitive. The scholar Adekiya (2016) found that efficient change leads to customer and stakeholder satisfaction. This in turn creates viable competitive positioning in the marketplace. Furthermore, it was also concluded that strategic change is inevitable and crucial for organizational survival. Therefore, changing an organizations domain is not only feasible but imperative to an organization’s success and sustainability.            In this past year, many organizations have changed their domain due to the implications of the current pandemic we are in. Organizations that stood out the most, would be all that are in the restaurant industry. The continuous change in restrictions on restaurants has forced their hand in changing the domain of their business. Many places that have predominantly built their success on dining into their restaurant have been forced to do delivery. Furthermore, in some states the domain has changed by forcing customers to eat outside and restricting the number of customers in restaurants. By doing so, has forced nearly every restaurant in some form or fashion to change their domain. This form of adaptability has given restaurants a chance at surviving through this pandemic. Although it is not the ideal situation, it has become necessary in order for restaurants to stay competitive. Chapter 6 Question1.)        When conducting global business, it is imperative that a proper strategy is put into place for success. One model for this that can be advantageous, is the transitional model. According to Daft (2016), this model addresses complexities in the global environment through level of organizational learning and transferring of knowledge. The transitional model can take advantage through rapid innovations, global learning and technological advancements. This establishes a worldwide learning system that works. Companies that utilize this model have the capabilities and resources that can be widely distributed, allowing them to respond to the ever changing needs of the market. Because of this, the transitional model would work better for a huge global firm.            The learning organizational model has many similarities to the transitional model. Both models have learning and the transferring of information at the forefront of their process, but the learning model is done on a smaller scale. The focus in the organizational model is based on a team’s ability to generate results and is more specific and focused. The transitional model attempts to affect all areas of a firm. Therefore, the transitional model would be more effective on the larger global market. Biblical Worldview            Based on these chapters, it is evident that there are constant changes within the world and global market. In order for businesses to survive they must adapt to change. The Bible teaches us on how to adapt to change in whatever circumstance we are in. In Philippians 4:11-13 (English Standard Version) it states “I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me”. By putting all faith in Christ gives us the strength to take on any challenge that comes into our lives and prepares us to be adaptable to that change.            Furthermore, it has also been identified that planning is necessary for an organization’s success. Strategic planning in business or in life is always necessary. The Bible teaches us many ways how planning can be applied to faith and in life. One verse that stand out is in Luke 14:28-30 (English Standard Version) where it states “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish”. By having a proper plan in place, enables us to finish whatever goal we have set out to attain.



Adekiya, A. (2016). CHANGE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND COMPETITION: ISSUES FROM THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONTEXT ABSTRACT. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 55-66.Daft, R. L. (2016). Organization theory & design. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.George, B., Walker, R., & Monster, J. (2019). Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta?Analysis. Public Administrative Review, 79(6), 810-819.File  Discussion Board Two.docx (20.348 KB)Reply Quote Email Author

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Planning in any organization at any point in time is an important factor in having success within an organization.


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