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As conceptualized by Plato, what sort of entities are Forms

As conceptualized by Plato, what sort of entities are Forms

1. As conceptualized by Plato, what sort of entities are Forms? What it is for something to participate in a Form?

2. A philosophical interpretation of Plato’s Republic VII ‘Allegory of the Cave’ should answer at least the following questions: What philosophical issue (or issues) is the Allegory of the Cave, in the first instance, about? What are the central and most important philosophical claims regarding this issue (these issues) that Plato uses the Allegory of the Cave to communicate? What are the allegory’s various symbolic elements supposed to represent? Appealing to textual evidence from within the Republic, explain and defend a philosophical interpretation of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

3. Of the non-just psychic constitutions discussed in Republic VIII-IX, the most thoroughly unjust psychic constitution among them is said to be that of a ‘tyrannical’ psyche [psuch ?e]. Analyze and explain Socrates’ case that it’s bad for a human being to be unjust in the distinctive way that a person with a tyrannical psyche is unjust.


4. Submit the four clearest and most instructive examples you can think of to respectively illustrate Aristotle’s conceptions of (i) material, (ii) formal, (iii) efficient, and (iv) final causation. For each of the four examples you submit, write 1-3 sentences explaining why the example in question does in fact exemplify the variety of causation in question.

The examples should be your own—not Aristotle’s and not ones dis- cussed in lecture or discussion section.2

5. Analyze and explain Aristotle’s De Anima II.1 account of what makes something a soul [psuch ?e]. What, on this account, is the relationship between (i) an embodied soul, (ii) the living organism in which it’s embodied, and (iii) the matter of that living organism.

The following message is a breakdown to help you answer each question. On the bottom I also wrote how many pages each one should be to make up the complete paper.

1)What a form is

Give an example

Describe the entities of what forms are

What participation is in a form

Give example

2 pages


2)What the point of the allegory of the cave is. Identify what it is

What claims are being made

Small summary of the allegory of the cave is

What are the allegory’s various symbolic elements supposed to represent and why

(For example what the sun represents)

5 pages


3)not miss anything that makes someone bad to be unjust

Why is it bad for a human to be unjust

Why is it bad for a tyrannical person to be unjust

Socrates says that a tyrant person has no plans

2-3 pages


4) give your own example, then define the kind of causation it is and show why your example is an example of that kind of causation.

1 page



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As conceptualized by Plato, what sort of entities are Forms


3159 words

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