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Provide a critical discussion for the reasons why rater errors may be occurring while evaluating customer service employees

Provide a critical discussion for the reasons why rater errors may be occurring while evaluating customer service employees

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Assignment (100 Points)

As a senior HR manager of a large Saudi Arabian company, you have been assigned the task of monitoring and evaluating the organization’s current performance management system. You have also been receiving complaints from the customer service employees that their ratings seem inaccurate and inconsistent. These employees feel the criteria of assessing the performance are not fully aligned to their goals. You are worried that this may lead to the issue of higher turnover of the customer service employees and the organization may lose quality employees if these issues are not addressed. Therefore, you have been assigned with the task of designing and implementing a new rater training program for your supervisors in order to rectify these issues.

Using the previous scenario, provide a critical discussion for the reasons why rater errors may be occurring while evaluating customer service employees. Critically analyze the need for the alignment of organizational goals with employee goals and the performance management system. Recommend a suitable rater training program for your supervisors. Include the benefits of the recommended method in order to justify this choice and to highlight the importance of aligning organizational goals with an appropriate strategic measurement method.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

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Provide a critical discussion for the reasons why rater errors may be occurring while evaluating customer service employees
1638 words

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