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Most supervisors do a fair job of handling performance appraisals.

Most supervisors do a fair job of handling performance appraisals.

1.HR(150 words)

Most supervisors do a fair job of handling performance appraisals. Discuss your views on this statement.

I disagree with this statement because I feel that supervisors don’t like doing appraisals and therefore, will lie about the performance of their subordinates. Another reason I feel this way is because if the supervisors are truthful about how their teams performance is then they could get in trouble about how bad their performance is. The supervisor may have some bias toward the employee and appraise them negatively to get said employee fired.

Do you feel that conducting performance appraisals once a year is enough? Discuss!

No. I feel that companies should appraise quarterly to ensure that the previous review has changed the employee’s work habits. If their work habits have improved, reward them if it hasn’t give them more guidance on how to grow to better fit the company’s goals.

Why do you think that most supervisors do not look forward to appraising their employees?

Supervisors don’t look forward to appraising their employees because it takes time and they may not know what their employees should be doing. They may also be nervous about how the employees may react to being reviewed. The supervisor could be too strict or lenient on their employees as well. I think that doing peer reviews is a better way for employees to be appraised. Supervisors could also use a performance management cloud service to make the review process more comfortable.

2&3. history

1. https://www.classtools.net/FB/1991-qVAgmF(150words)

2. https://www.classtools.net/FB/1628-2w9g5u(150words)

Students discussion work

History: thank for your presentation. I decided on my topic earlier this week but was not sure how to really create this presentation since Facebook is for the older generation 🙂 You are very creative and it is outlined well. I did not think about the gallery of Friends pictures. The way you incorporated the content while making it sound modern was engaging like using # and common language. The posts between the Vikings and Charles the Simple easily explained how agreements were made to limit fighting (#deal). If only it could have been that easy the entire time…many, many lives would have been saved! Paypal – really?? What not Cashapp :)?? Showing how it was acceptable for men to have multiple lives which did not really like each other was a good way to end the thread while foreshadowing his death. You set the bar…now let’s see if we can rise to it!

HR:I like all of your points! However, I would change the idea of a peer review for an appraisal to perhaps having a non-biased higher up official come and aid the supervisor in the peer reviews. The official would only see the information on paper about how the employee performed, and the supervisor could add supplemental information that isn’t on paper. This would create a non-biased environment and keep everything fair.

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Most supervisors do a fair job of handling performance appraisals.


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