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Identify improvement opportunities based on performance measurement.

Identify improvement opportunities based on performance measurement.

Identify improvement opportunities based on performance measurement.
Create a performance/quality improvement plan for any aspect of your personal or professional life. The plan should focus on improving the quality of a task, trait, or service. The following examples are broadly generalized but are designed to give you a starting point conceptually for this assignment.

Personal – Prepare a vegetable side dish with every dinner meal for a month. This would require you to analyze barriers that have prevented you from doing this previously and identify how you will modify your behaviors and activities to realize the goal against a specific timeline.

Professional – Improve reporting of quarterly case numbers for a surgical unit. This would require you to analyze barriers that have prevented accurate/timely reporting, identify actions and people necessary to modify the process, and activities necessary to realize the goal against the quarterly reporting timeline.

Word document, 2 pages of content minimum.
Content: organized using a table
Problem statement – identify what is being improved. This may be placed at the top of your document, outside of the table.
Planned activities – how the problem will be addressed (by you and/or others)
Responsibility – persons responsible for planned activities
Measurement – how progress will be measured
Target date(s) for completion – set dates for planned activities to be completed, and for overall evaluation of problem statement resolution.
APA requirements: Title and reference pages, three sources, in-text citations as needed.

Paper Format: APA

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