peer review
I will upload the syllabus so you can know what is exactly wanted.
For your peer review you are asked to review the assigned paper and submit a 1 to 2 page response. You should comment on 1.) was enough background material provide to give a detailed explanation of what will be done 2.) in your opinion, is the topic feasible within one semester 3.) is the thesis (testable hypothesis) clear, can you state in 1 to 2 sentences what exactly will be measured and evaluated 4.) if the thesis is not clear or the topic not feasible in one semester can you offer suggestions for modifying the project to fit the syllabus 5) does the text flow logically – are there gaps in the proposal or major errors in grammer and syntax.
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Cloud Computing
There was a good explanation of what exactly was going to be done in the period that is provided. Among the information that was provided, there was a clear explanation of the exact method of research that was going to be used and the resources that were going to be used. Among them are articles that have been written on the topic. There was also a clear statement on the type of information that the research will be after and…..
458 words