Pediatric Health Maintenance

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Pediatric Health Maintenance

Pediatric Health Maintenance Exam and PPE

Topic Pediatric Health Maintenance Exam and PPE

Peyton is a 2-month-old female brought to the clinic by her 18-year-old mother for her health maintenance exam. What should the physical examination focus on for this child? What immunizations are due, if any? What age-appropriate anticipatory guidance topics should be discussed with mom? What are the different types of pediatric health histories? When would you use each specific type?

The foundation of pediatric healthcare visits, both sick and well, starts with a thorough health history; from the data collected, an accurate physical examination and diagnosis can be made. Primary care healthcare visits are an integral part of ensuring the health and well-being of the child. In children that participate in sports, a preparticipation physical examination (PPE) is required and may be the only contact the healthy child has with their healthcare provider.

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At the age of two months infants usually start being more robust and lively. They may start focusing on and tracking moving objects by moving their heads and eyes around. Also, they might become responsive to sounds. Their ability to recognize parents’ faces and voices improves and occasionally they may make small sounds and gurgles. They may also respond to smiles and information or games directed at them. They may also be able to grasp things placed within their reach. Further, they may seem to raise their heads when lying over their bellies. At this stage, physical exam should focus on eye examination………………………………..


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